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Apple Pay と In-App Purchase の使い分け方を調べてみた

最近Suicaが使えると話題のApple Payについてです。
Apple Payについて最近調べていたところ、アプリ内の課金にも使える事がわかりました。

しかしアプリ内課金はIn App purchaseが既にあるので、その辺りの使い分けをどうしたらいいかを調べてみました。

Apple PayとIn App Purchaseの使い分け

Getting Started with Apple Pay - Apple Developer

It is important to understand the difference between Apple Pay and In-App Purchase. In apps, use Apple Pay to sell physical goods such as groceries, clothing, and appliances. Also use Apple Pay for services such as club memberships, hotel reservations, and tickets for events. On the other hand, use In-App Purchase to sell virtual goods such as premium content for your app and subscriptions for digital content. Coming this fall, websites can use Apple Pay for physical goods purchases as well as virtual goods purchases that will not be consumed within an iOS app.

The Apple Pay Programming Guide provides details on how to use the PassKit framework to integrate Apple Pay. The In-App Purchase Programming Guide provides details on how to use the StoreKit framework to integrate In-App Purchases.
